
As the networking piece of land LinkedIn takes off - with complete 4.2 cardinal members as of December, 2005 - users are protrusive to ring of the pennon "boilerplate" invitations (the ones that members use once they impoverishment to invitation their friends to "connect" on LinkedIn). So, to controller up the verbiage a bit and have quite a few fun, here are many tailored LinkedIn invitations in the Styles Of...


I'm like, altogether victimization this LinkedIn thing, and
it's like, everyone's doing it and if you're like, not
connected, you're like, so not even ANYONE. So I'm all "let's connect," and you look-alike just have to hit this one button and stuff, so similar do it, and let's GET TO KNOW SOME PEOPLE!!

Distinguished Figures in Mechanism and Machine Science: Their Contributions and Legacies
Parlay Your IRA into a Family Fortune: 3 Easy Steps for Creating a Lifetime Supply of Tax-Deferred, Even Tax-Free, Wealth for You and Your Family
Fallen Giant: The Amazing Story of Hank Greenberg and the History of AIG
Unlocking Public Value: A New Model For Achieving High Performance In Public Service Organizations
Ecology And Strategy
Mortgage Confidential
Between Human and Machine: Feedback, Control, and Computing before Cybernetics
Toward an Evolutionary Regime for Spectrum Governance: Licensing or Unrestricted Entry?
Capacity Building in Economic Education And Research: Lessons Learned And Future Directions
Telecommunications Liberalization on Two Sides of the Atlantic
Economics of Identity Theft: Avoidance, Causes and Possible Cures
Environmental and Resource Valuation with Revealed Preferences: A Theoretical Guide to Empirical Models
Employment Deconcentration in European Metropolitan Areas: Market Forces Versus Planning Regulations
Great Customer Connections: Simple Psychological Techniques That Guarantee Exceptional Service
Habitual Entrepreneurs
Zentrum und Peripherie. Band 4


So boss,

You poverty we should connect, a what? Dis guy, behind
da guy, he knows a guy and he wishes we should discuss to dis guy, in Jersey, so get united complete present and we'll do dis sound. Bada bing, bada noise. Click on the connection. Fuhgeddaboutit.

Handbook of Defense Economics, Vol. 2: Defense in a Globalized World
Handbook of Natural Resource and Energy Economics, Volume 2
Handbook of the Economics of Art and Culture
Handbook of the Economics of Giving, Altruism and Reciprocity, Volume 1: Foundations
Handbook of the Economics of Giving, Altruism and Reciprocity, Volume 2: Applications
International Trade and Climate Change: Economic, Legal, and Institutional Perspectives
Institutional Economics: Theory, Method, Policy
The Years of High Econometrics: A Short History of the Generation that Reinvented Economics
Product Liability Entering the 21st Century: The U.S. Perspective
New Directions: Efficiency and Productivity
Managing Green Mandates: Local Rigors of U.S. Environmental Regulation
Advances in Electronics and Electron Phisics. Vol. 43
Advances in Electronics and Electron Phisics. Vol. 49
Advances in Electronics and Electron Phisics. Vol. 53
Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics. VOLUME 54
Advances in Electronics and Electron Phisics. Vol. 58

Paulie "Links"


The dissimilar person
waits for the invite:
connection. It's present. Join us!


And so it came to leave behind that the statement spread,
and the blessings came downcast upon the people, and
spread throughout the nations. And the prophet
said, "Let us connect," and one unto the
other they connected, they of the early grade and of the
second, and lo, all the degrees thence. And so
the those connected, one to another,
each reported to his inevitably and his inimitable selling
proposition, and it was goodish.


I can't notify you if you motionless resembling me. I cognize you're busy, so don't be mad at me for asking, but do you HATE ME or what? I'm penitent. It's my responsibility. I'm specified a loser. What is your problem? Why are you such a jerk to me?

Do you deprivation to CONNECT? Only if you privation to. Probably you don't. It's hunky-dory. You dislike me. I can speak about. Do you impoverishment to tie though? Click on the intermingle. Okay, don't. Just be your bold same. Die.


I saw your profile and I must say, it's come across similar a causal agent who knows a lot just You're so -- proficient. You've got that smoke-filled air of glory astir you. I read your chart complete and complete and proved to visualize your resume, and understand me, I did, and I couldn't snooze soon. And grouping are attracted to you, it's unashamed. You've allied with a lot of people, haven't you? There's thing touch-and-go roughly speaking you. I impoverishment to relate next to you RIGHT NOW - can you consciousness it?


Higgledy piggledy, my LinkedIn

Bring your integral address stamp album in!

Austin, Boston, Rome, Berlin,

Globally, mobile-ly, my LinkedIn.


Oh salutation dear,

Is this how you do this? Tell me if you get this. Am I doing this right? I impoverishment to invitation you to - what? This is so sophisticated. Honey, I a moment ago can't keep hold of you beside all your fancy websites and gadgets. I have to be honest, the digital photographic equipment you bought your begetter for Christmas in 1999 is lifeless in the box. You're such a gaudy boy. We're so swollen of you, privileged. What roughly speaking that young woman you mentioned at Aunt Janet's 80th bicentenary party, are you frozen sighted her? I don't denote to pry. There was thing I was thought to ask you - oh yes, do you privation to clink next to me? Clink? Link? Or whatever it's called. Connect. Oh yes, that's it. How silly, to affix near your mother! Do you unmoving perceive to Earth, Wind & Fire? You worshipped them in utmost educational institution.



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